Cultivating Positive Thoughts

At the beginning of my coaching journey, I thought that I have to constantly focus on my positive thoughts so I can achieve my goals. Of course, you can’t be constantly positive however I was doing my affirmations, surrounding myself with the right people, the right environment, reading the right books and enrolling on the right courses. I wanted to work on my mindset, change my mindset, and overcome all my limiting beliefs.

It was a lot of work and it was tiring to do all those things to be in a positive mood, run my business and be of service to my clients.

I started to feel bored and thought that I lost my passion for my business.

Those feelings and thoughts were indicators to me that I have to change something and look in a new direction. But I didn’t know where. I was doing almost the same as other coaches are doing, following the same path whether it comes to serving clients or marketing my business. Maybe I have to look for a normal job? It came to my mind at some point but I couldn’t imagine myself doing that. And I was doing ok in my business. So it wasn’t a good solution for me.

For a while, I did nothing and stayed where I was.

I waited and started to see that one of my favourite coaches started to speak about a new understanding, and how it impacted her life, business and also marketing. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more.

This new approach to coaching explains how our thoughts are creating our feelings and how we create our reality through our thoughts. Easy, I thought. However, in the beginning, I had a lot of resistance to it and was looking for an intellectual explanation. My mistake.

It came clearly to me one day that my thoughts are only thoughts and they do not have any meaning and I don’t have to give them so much attention. I felt lighter. And every time I catch myself overthinking, or being negative about the world I remind myself that I’m a creator of my thinking and this thinking creates how I feel about my business or my life.

I’m still learning about this new approach to coaching but these days I don’t focus so much on cultivating positive thinking. When negative thoughts are coming to my mind I stay with them for a bit. I see that my feelings are telling me that my thoughts are down and it’s time to move up, to a new level. Then, a new and positive thought shows up.


Let me know what are your questions, thoughts, and insights on that. Share in the comments.



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Dominika Miernik


About Dominika Miernik

Dominika Miernik is an award-winning Career and Expat Coach with over 20 years of living and working abroad in countries like Poland, Italy, the UK and France. Over the past 10+ years, she has been helping expat and globally mobile women to create fulfilling careers and businesses around their international lives. She works with individuals and expat support organisations. And is a mentor for expat coaches. Currently, she is enjoying a laptop lifestyle while travelling across Europe.

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